5.Restart the Solstice Enterprise Agent (SEA) daemon.
#/etc/init.d/init.snmpdx start<Return>
1.2.5Other notes and bug information
For other notes and bug information during the system operation, refer to the following document:
z"Solaris 10 Release Notes "
1.3Unsupported Features
The following features described in Solaris OS manuals are not supported.
Table 1.1 Unsupported features
No. | Description | Alternative method | Reference manual |
1 | The | None | "Solaris Common Desktop |
| cannot be used with |
| Environment: User's Guide" in |
| "Solaris 10 Common Desktop |
| Environment User Collection" |
2 | The pcitool(1M) command cannot | None | man pages section 1M: System |
| be used with PRIMEPOWER. |
| Administration Commands |
There are some differences between the power management system provided by Solaris OS and Auto Power Control System provided by Enhanced Support Facility. In the Auto Power Control System, you can set AutoShutdown and AutoWakeup features on PRIMEPOWER. However, Auto Power Control System is not supported with PRIMEPOWER1.