
Limitations and known bugs



Recommended actions



Follow these instructions to remove a package. (For example SUNWabc)



1) Re-install the package to system.



# pkgadd SUNWabc



2) Find out path name of SMF service manifest in the package.



# grep SUNWabc /var/sadm/install/contents \



grep /var/svc/manifest awk '{ print $1 }' grep xml






3) Run the following command.



# svccfg -s smf/manifest delpg {$prp_mfst}



$prp_mfst strings must be specified by removing first “/” srting of the manifest path



name with all

“/” and ”.” replaced by “_”. Here is an example for



/var/svc/manifest/system/abc.xml at step 2).



4) Remove package.



# pkgrm SUNWabc



"netstat -i" results maybe corrupted when the network interface on the system is

Solaris 10


unplumb/plumb by ifconfig(1M), if the system has multiple physical network interfaces.

3/05 only


This problem is solved by the following patch.



119990-01 or later

SunOS 5.10: netstat patch



Network instance number on Quad Fast Ethernet and Dual Gigabit Ethernet Card might

Solaris 10


be assigned randomly to physical network interfaces when the card is installed after OS

3/05 only






# grep fjqe /etc/path_to_inst



"/pci@81,4000/pci@2/FJSV,pl4b@4" 0 "fjqe"



"/pci@81,4000/pci@2/FJSV,pl4b@5" 3 "fjqe"



"/pci@81,4000/pci@2/FJSV,pl4b@6" 5 "fjqe"



"/pci@81,4000/pci@2/FJSV,pl4b@7" 7 "fjqe"



"/pci@85,4000/pci@2/ethernet@4" 1 "fjqe"



"/pci@85,4000/pci@2/ethernet@5" 2 "fjqe"



"/pci@85,4000/pci@2/ethernet@6" 4 "fjqe"



"/pci@85,4000/pci@2/ethernet@7" 6 "fjqe"



Install the following patch before installation of Quad Ethernet Cards or Quad



GigabitEthernet Cards.



118822-23 or later

SunOS 5.10: kernel Patch



mpstat(1M) takes an extra interval time at the ending of the command when the

Solaris 10


command is executed with interval and count.

3/05 only


This problem is solved by the following patch.



118373-01 or later SunOS 5.10: mpstat Patch



pkgadd(1M) -R command might fail when target directory is on a remote NFS server.

Solaris 10


This problem is solved by the following patch.

3/05 only


119254-06 or later

SunOS 5.10: Install and Patch Utilities Patch



The following message might be displayed if during optional driver package installation



the PCI Card is not installed.



chgrp: //dev/{driver_name}: No such file or directory



There is no impact on the system. The driver and required PCI Card work after a system


