No | Limitations and known bugs | Remarks | |
| Recommended actions |
| |
| Follow these instructions to remove a package. (For example SUNWabc) |
| |
| 1) |
| |
| # pkgadd SUNWabc |
| |
| 2) Find out path name of SMF service manifest in the package. |
| |
| # grep SUNWabc /var/sadm/install/contents \ |
| |
| grep /var/svc/manifest awk '{ print $1 }' grep xml |
| |
| /var/svc/manifest/system/abc.xml |
| |
| 3) Run the following command. |
| |
| # svccfg |
| |
| $prp_mfst strings must be specified by removing first “/” srting of the manifest path |
| |
| name with all | “/” and ”.” replaced by “_”. Here is an example for |
| /var/svc/manifest/system/abc.xml at step 2). |
| |
| 4) Remove package. |
| |
| # pkgrm SUNWabc |
| |
15 | "netstat | Solaris 10 | |
| unplumb/plumb by ifconfig(1M), if the system has multiple physical network interfaces. | 3/05 only | |
| This problem is solved by the following patch. |
| |
| SunOS 5.10: netstat patch |
| |
16 | Network instance number on Quad Fast Ethernet and Dual Gigabit Ethernet Card might | Solaris 10 | |
| be assigned randomly to physical network interfaces when the card is installed after OS | 3/05 only | |
| installation. |
| # grep fjqe /etc/path_to_inst |
| |
| "/pci@81,4000/pci@2/FJSV,pl4b@4" 0 "fjqe" |
| |
| "/pci@81,4000/pci@2/FJSV,pl4b@5" 3 "fjqe" |
| |
| "/pci@81,4000/pci@2/FJSV,pl4b@6" 5 "fjqe" |
| |
| "/pci@81,4000/pci@2/FJSV,pl4b@7" 7 "fjqe" |
| |
| "/pci@85,4000/pci@2/ethernet@4" 1 "fjqe" |
| |
| "/pci@85,4000/pci@2/ethernet@5" 2 "fjqe" |
| |
| "/pci@85,4000/pci@2/ethernet@6" 4 "fjqe" |
| |
| "/pci@85,4000/pci@2/ethernet@7" 6 "fjqe" |
| |
| Install the following patch before installation of Quad Ethernet Cards or Quad |
| |
| GigabitEthernet Cards. |
| |
| SunOS 5.10: kernel Patch |
| |
17 | mpstat(1M) takes an extra interval time at the ending of the command when the | Solaris 10 | |
| command is executed with interval and count. | 3/05 only | |
| This problem is solved by the following patch. |
| |
| ||
18 | pkgadd(1M) | Solaris 10 | |
| This problem is solved by the following patch. | 3/05 only | |
| SunOS 5.10: Install and Patch Utilities Patch |
| |
19 | The following message might be displayed if during optional driver package installation |
| |
| the PCI Card is not installed. |
| |
| chgrp: //dev/{driver_name}: No such file or directory |
| |
| There is no impact on the system. The driver and required PCI Card work after a system |
| |
| reboot. |