<1Dh> <2Fh> <n>
n=1 to 32: (Default n=5) Software programmable consumption (Dynamic division). The maximum number of black dots which are simultaneously heated is (n+1) x 8.
In Default Mode, n = 5.
n=5 Maximum black dots heated: (5+1)*8=48.
Printer Peak consumption @5V: (0.3A (Stepper Motor) + 5*48/160) = 1.8A
160 Ohms is the dot resistance.
Set print Intensity <1Dh> <44h> <n>
n=8Fh (127d) : (Default). Nominal print intensity
n>8Fh (127d) : Printout becomes darker
n<8Fh (127d) : Printout becomes lighter (n from 0 to 255 (FFh)).
Send printer status <1Bh> <76h>
The printer returns a single byte that reflects the status of the printer in accordance with the following table:
0 Head temperature OK Too high or too low
2Paper out No Yes
3Power supply OK Too high or too low
4Printer in use Ready Action in progress
5On/Off line Off On
6Hole/Mark detection Error No Too short, too long or not found
7Cutter failure Yes No
This command is executed immediately after being received, even in case of a full buffer
(DTR/RTS, Xoff or Busy active). Host must disable the handshaking controls to send the ESC v
When using the parallel port, the software continuously updates PE signal. To read the
status byte, use the Byte Mode (Parallel communication) as described in section 3.4.2, after
having sent the ESC v command.