2.1 Installing ScanSnap

11. In the "InstallShield Wizard Complete" screen, click the [Finish] button.

Select "Yes, I want to restart my computer now" to restart your personal computer.

Sselect "No, I will restart my computer later." to finish the installation. The "ScanSnap Setup" dialog box appears; click the [Exit] button to close the "ScanSnap Setup" dialog box.

(To complete the installation, you have to restart your personal computer.)

To display the "ScanSnap S500 Operator’s Guide", "ScanSnap Organizer


User's Guide", and "CardMinder User’s Guide, " Adobe Acrobat or Adobe®


Acrobat® ReaderTM is required. If this software is not installed on your personal computer, install Acrobat 7.0 from the "Adobe Acrobat 7.0 CD" supplied with the scanner.

For uninstallting these programs, refer to"Appendix B Uninstalling ScanSnap" on page.169.


ScanSnap Connecting

ScanSnap S500 Operator's Guide