Safety Rules
QUIETPACT™ 65D Recreational Vehicle Generator
SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS – The manufacturer suggests that these rules for safe operation be copied and posted in potential hazard areas of the recreational vehicle. Safety should be stressed to all operators and potential operators of this equipment.
The engine exhaust from this product contains chemicals known to the state
of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm.
Study these SAFETY RULES carefully before installing, operating, or servicing this equipment. Become familiar with this manual and with the unit. The generator can operate safely, efficiently, and reli- ably only if it is properly installed, operated, and maintained. Many accidents are caused by failing to follow simple and fundamental rules or precautions.
Generac cannot possibly anticipate every possible cir cumstance that might involve a hazard. The warn- ings in this manual, and on tags and decals affixed to the unit, are, therefore, not
Despite the safe design of this generator, operating this equipment imprudently, neglect- ing its maintenance, or being careless can cause possible injury or death. Permit only responsi- ble and capable persons to operate and main- tain this equipment.
Parts of the generator are rotating and/or hot during operation. Exercise care near running generators.
Potentially lethal voltages are generated by these machines. Ensure all steps are taken to render the machine safe before attempting to work on the generator.
•For safety reasons, Generac recommends that the installation, initial startup, and mainte- nance of this equipment be performed by a Generac Authorized Service Dealer.
•The engine exhaust fumes contain carbon monox- ide, which can be DEADLY. This dangerous gas, if breathed in sufficient concentrations, can cause unconsciousness or even death. Thus, the exhaust system must be installed properly, in strict com- pliance with applicable codes and standards. Following installation, you must do nothing that might render the system unsafe or in noncompli- ance with such codes and standards. The genera- tor compartment must be completely
•Keep hands, feet, clothing, etc., away from drive belts, fans, and other moving or hot parts. Never remove any drive belt or fan guard while the unit is operating.
•Adequate, unobstructed flow of cooling and venti- lating air is critical to correct generator operation and is required to expel toxic fumes and fuel vapors from the generator compartment. Without sufficient cooling airflow, the engine/generator quickly overheats, which seriously damages the generator. Do not alter the installation or permit even partial blockage of ventilation provisions, as this can also seriously affect the safe operation of the generator.
•When working on this equipment, remain alert at all times. Never work on the equipment when you are physically or mentally fatigued.
•Inspect the generator regularly, and contact your nearest Generac Authorized Service Dealer imme- diately for parts needing repair or replacement.
•Before performing any maintenance on the genera- tor, disconnect its battery cables to prevent acci- dental startup. First, disconnect the cable from the battery post, indicated by a NEGATIVE, NEG, or
•Never use the generator, or any of its parts, as a step. Stepping on the unit can stress and break parts, resulting in dangerous operating conditions due to leaking exhaust gases, fuel leakage, oil leak- age, etc.
•Never insert any tool or other object through open- ings in the generator interior, even if the unit is not running. You might seriously injure yourself or damage the equipment.
2 Generac® Power Systems, Inc.