
Power Management Setup

CMOS Setup Utility -Co py right (C) 1984 -2004 Aw ard Software

Powe r Manag ement Setup


ACPI Suspend Ty pe


[S1(P OS)]



Item Help


USB D evice Wa ke-Up Fr om S3

Disa bled


Menu L evel}


Soft- Off by P WRBTN


[Instan t-Off]




AC Back Func tion


[Soft -Off]





Key bo ard Powe r On


[Disa bled]


Set s uspend ty pe to


Mous e Powe r On


[Disa bled]


Powe r On Su spend u nder


PME E vent Wake Up


[Enab led]




Modem Ring Re sume


[Enab led]





Resu me by A larm


[Disa bled]





Date ( of Month) Alarm


Ever y day


Set s uspend ty pe to


Time ( hh:mm:ss) Alarm


0 : 0 : 0


Suspe nd to RAM under








higf: M ove

Enter: Select

+/-/PU/PD: Value

F10: Save

ESC: Exit

F1: General Help


F5: P revious Values


F6: Fa il-Save De fault

F7: Optimized Defa ults



ACPI Suspend Type








Set ACPI suspend ty pe to S1/POS (Pow er On Suspend). (Default v alue)




Set ACPI suspend ty pe to S3/STR (Suspend To RAM).


USB Dev ice Wake-Up From S3







Disabl e this function.







Enable USB dev ice w ake up sy stem fr om S3 suspend ty pe. (Default v alue)


Soft-Off by P WRBTN









pow er button then pow er off i nstantly . (Default v alue)


Delay 4 Sec.

Pr ess pow er button 4 seconds to pow er off. Enter s uspend if button is




press ed less than 4 sec onds.




AC Back Function









Alw ay s in off state w hen AC back. (Default v alue)



Mem ory


Sy stem pow er on depends on the status before AC lost.


Full -On


Alw ay s pow er on the sy stem w hen AC back.



Keyboard Power On








Disabled this function. (Default v alue)




Pass w ord


Enter from 1 to 5 charac ters to set the key board pow er on pass w ord.


Key board 98

If there is a "POWER" button on y our key board, y ou can pr ess the k ey to




pow er on y our sy stem.





Mouse P ower On









Disabled this function. (Default v alue)






Pow er on sy stem by mouse ev ent.




PME Event Wake Up









Disabl e this function.







Enabl e PME as w ake up ev ent. (Default v alue)


GA-K8VM800M Motherboard

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Gigabyte GA-K8VM800M user manual Power Management Setup, Acpi OS