Load Fail-Safe Defaults
CMOS Setup Utility
} | Stan dard CM OS Features | Load |
} | Advanced BI OS Features | Load Optimized Defa ults |
} | Inte grated Periphe rals | Set Supervis or Pass word |
} | Powe r Manag ement Setup | Set U ser Pass word |
} | PnP/PCI Con figurations | Load |
Save & Exit Setup | ||
} | PC H ealth Status | Exit Without Saving |
} | Frequ ency /Voltage Con trol |
ESC: Quit | higf: Selec t Item | |
F8: Q- Flash | F10: Save & Exit Setup | |
| Load |
Load Optimized Defaults
CMOS Setup Utility
} | Stan dard CM OS Features | Load |
} | Advanced BI OS Features | Load Optimized Defa ults |
} | Inte grated Periphe rals | Set Supervis or Pass word |
} | Powe r Manag ement Setup | Set U ser Pass word |
} | PnP/PCI Con figurations | Load Optimized Defau ltsSave(Y/N&)?ExitN Setup |
} | PC H ealth Status | Exit Without Saving |
} | Frequ ency /Voltage Con trol |
ESC: Quit | higf: Selec t Item |
F8: Q- Flash | F10: Save & Exit Setup |
| Load Optimized Defa ults |
Selecting this field loads the factory defaults for BIOS and Chipset Features w hich the sy stem automatically detects.
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