The blade guides should not touch the blade after the dollar bill is removed.
Whenever changing a blade or adjusting tension and tracking, the upper and lower blade guides and
Adjusting Positive
An adjustable positive stop allows the table to easily return to 90˚ after tilting.
To set the positive stop 90˚ to the blade:
1.Make sure the blade is correctly tensioned as described in the Tensioning Blade instruc- tions on Page 19.
3.Loosen the two plastic knobs that secure the table to the trunnions.
4.Loosen the hex nut that locks the positive stop bolt in place.
5.Raise the upper blade guide assembly and place a 6" machinist’s square or
Figure 27. Squaring table to blade.
6.Secure the plastic knobs and lock the positive stop bolt by tightening the hex nut against the casting. Ensure that the bolt does not turn by holding it with another wrench while tighten- ing the hex nut.
Setting Table
Tilt Scale to 0˚
The pointer on the table tilt scale must be cali- brated in order for the scale reading to be accu- rate.
To calibrate the pointer on the table tilt scale:
1.Make sure the blade is tensioned/tracking correctly and that the table is 90˚ to the blade (this procedure should be already completed with the Adjusting Positive Stop instruc- tions).
2.Loosen the pointer screw.
3.Align the tip of the pointer with the 0˚ mark on the table tilt scale.
4.Tighten the pointer screw.