E4 Replaces up to 15 characters in the data string with user specified charac- ters. Replacement continues until the E5 command is encountered. Syn- tax = E4nnxx1xx2yy1yy2...zz1zz2 where nn is the total count of both

characters to be replaced plus replacement characters; xx1 defines charac- ters to be replaced and xx2 defines replacement characters, continuing through zz1 and zz2.

E5 Terminates character replacement. Syntax = E5.

FE Compare character in current cursor position to the character “xx.” If char- acters are equal, increment cursor. If characters are not equal, no format match. Syntax = FExx (xx stands for the hex value for an ASCII code, see ASCII Conversion Chart (Code Page 1252) on page A-2.)

EC Check to make sure there is an ASCII number at the current cursor position. If character is not numeric, format is aborted. Syntax = EC.

ED Check to make sure there is a non-numeric ASCII character at the current cursor position. If character is numeric, format is aborted. Syntax = ED.

Data Format Editor

Enter Data Format

* Default Data Format

Clear One Data Format

Clear All Data Formats



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IMAGETEAM™ 2020/5620 System Manual

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Image 76
Hand Held Products 2020/5620 system manual Data Format Editor