WinTV-USBInstallation and Reference Manual

Using WinTV Capture
The WinTV-Captureprogram is an easy-to-use program that previews live video, captures an AVI file to disk, and plays back the AVI file to your VGA screen. WinTV-Capturecan capture and playback video clips, but does not pro- vide video editing capabilities. Digital video editing programs such as Adobe Premiere or U-Lead MediaStudio can be used to edit your digital videos.
With WinTV-Captureyou can set the number of frames per second that are cap- tured and the size of the video image. You need to experiment to determine how much video your PC can store to the disk (in terms of image size and frames per second) because capturing video clips is very CPU and hard disk intensive.
-Software Remote Capture window: Found in WinTV 2000
Setting the video image size
The maximum suggested video image capture size is 320x240. When playing back the video on slower PC’s, a smaller image size might be needed. To set the image size, click on FMT Button: