- 22 -
• If you press butt on you can see the
detailed help information easily. Press
button again to exit help menu.
• The starting time for EPG is the current time.
You can see the event informatio n for the
next two hours. By pre ssing or button,
you can go to th e next/previous hours while
Programmes list is high lighted.
• lf you press the OK button when a next event
is highli ghted , a re minder is se t f or the
highlighted programme and a clo ck appears
on the screen.
• Programme re minders can be set to signal
that a programme is about to start when you
are wa tching anoth er c hannel. If you set
reminder to a programme, then you will be
asked for switching to that channel when the
reminder time is du e.
Newsround 16:55-17:00
30. CBBC Channel 15:00 Even Stevens
40. BBC NEWS 24 15:50 Newsround Showbiz
41. ITV News 16:00 Basil Brush
50. Four Text 16:55 Newsround
51. BBCI
800. BLUE/LEFT 1k...
801. CCIR17/1kHz...
ELECTRONIC PROGRAMME GUIDE(7 Day) Saturday 21/8 13:51
Channels Programmes on Saturday 21/8, 15:00 - 17:00
CBBC joins the Newsround team, keeping you up to date on the latest
stories and events happening at home and abroad.
Change Time
Displaying the Subtitles
With digital terrestrial broadcasting (DVB-T),
some pro gra mme s ar e br oadc ast wit h
subtitles . Su btitles can be display ed wh ile
watching these p rogrammes.
Press the M button to display the main menu,
highlight the Configuration line using or
button and press the OK button to dis play the
configuration menu.
Highlight the “Subti tle” item in configuration
menu and use or button to set Subtitle to
Off or a language.
If “Subtitle” is on and a language option is
set, pre ssin g the butto n causes the
following warn ing message disp lay on t he
Interactive services cannot be used
while subtitles are on. Would you like
to turn subtitles off now?
Digital Teletext
With digital terrestrial broadcasting (DVB-T),
in addition to pictures and sound, you can also
view digital teletext.
Digital teletext is some times broadcast at the
same time with the normal broadcasting.
• Press the button.
• The digital teletext information appears.
• Operate it with the coloured buttons, / / /
buttons and OK button.
The operation method may differ depending
on the contents of the di gital teletext.
Follow the i nstructions displ ayed on dig ital
teletext screen.
• Whe n “P ress SELECT” button or similar
message appears on the sc reen, press the
OK button.
• When the (Text) button is pressed, the
TV returns to television broad casting.
• With digital terrestr ial broa dcasting (DVB-
T), in addition to digital teletext broadcasting
at the sa me tim e with the norm al
broadcasting, there are also channels with
just digital teletext broadcast ing.
• The as pect ratio when watching a chan nel
with just digital tel etext broadcastin g is the
same as the as pect rati o of t he pictu re
watched previous ly.
• When you press the (Text) button again,
the digital telete xt screen will be displayed.
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