- 4 -
Than k y ou for cho osin g t his
product. This manual will guide you
in the proper opera tion of your TV.
Before opera ting the TV, pl ease
read this ma nual throughly.
Please do keep thi s manual in a safe place
for future references .
For ventilation, le ave a free spac e of at leas t
10 cm all around the se t. To prevent any fault
and unsa fe si tuations, please do not place
any objects on top of the set.
Use this de vice in moderate climates.
Safety Precautions
Pleas e r ead the fo llowi ng reco mmend ed
safety precautions carefully for your safety.



This eq uipm ent has b een des igne d and
manufact ured to meet intern ational saf ety
standards but, like an y electrical equipment,
care must be taken if you are to obtain the
best results and safety is to be assured.
DO read the operating instructions before you
attempt to us e the equipm ent.
DO e nsure tha t a ll electr ical conn ection s
(including the main s plu g, ext ension leads
and inter-connectio ns between the pieces of
equi pme nt) are prope rly mad e a nd i n
acco rda nce with th e manuf actu rer 's
instruc tions. Switch off and with draw the
main s plu g bef ore ma kin g or ch ang ing
connections .
DO consult your dealer if you are ever in doubt
about the installation, operation or sa fety of
your equipment.
DO be careful with glass panels or doors on
equipment .
DO route the mains lead so that i t is not likely
to b e wa lked on , cr ushe d, c haf ed, or
subjected to excessive wear and tear o r heat.
DON'T remove any fixed co ver as this may
expose dangerou s voltages .
DON'T obstruct the ventilation openings of the
equipment with it ems such as newspapers ,
tableclo ths, curtain s, e tc. Overheati ng will
cause damage and sho rten the life of the
equipment .
DON'T allo w e lectr ical eq uipme nt to be
exposed to dripping or splashing, or ob jects
filled with liquids, such as vases, to be placed
on the equipment.
ENG-01-TV-22856W-1165UK-MB29-UKIDTV-(1SCRT-AV-YPBPR-HP-SPDIF-STRLOUT-PCIN)-10059170-50138225.p6518.11.2008, 09:154