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broadcas t sim ultaneou s Ne xt&Now and 7-
Day electronic programme.
Highli ght the EPG Pr eferen ce line in the
Configurati on me nu an d us e the or
button to select Next&Now or 7-Day.
Receiver Upgrade
The IDTV c an be upgra ded v ia the
configuration menu, entere d fro m the main
In the co nfig urati on men u, high ligh t the
“Receiver Upgrad e” item by pressing or
button and press the OK b utton to sta rt
upgrade process.
Ther e are tw o poss ibi liti es fo r rece iver
softwar e t o b e u pgrade d: autom atic and
Audio Language
Favourite Mode
EPG Preference
Receiver Upgrade
Parental Settings
Exit More
Automatic Download
Search for New Version
Automatic Download (Automatic Upgrade)
Autom atic D ownl oad can b e enab led or
disabled by pressing or button. If it is
enab led , th en t here ar e tw o wa ys f or
automatic upgrade:
• The first one is checking the existence of a
new software every tim e the IDTV goes to
• The second one is being activate d at 03:00
A.M. every night, provided that the IDTV is left
in standby mo de.
• Both automatic upgrade methods res ult in
standby mode eithe r the upgraded or not.
If the automatic upgrade is set to “Disabled
then this function will not work.
Search for New Version (Manual Upgrade)
Manual upgrade starts if the “Search for New
Version” item is highlighted by using or
button and act ivated via pres sing the OK
After “Search for New Version” is activated ,
the IDTV tunes to each frequen cy that have
been stored in its database and looks for the
new so ftwa re. Du rin g this p roc ess, the
following OSD is displayed:
Software Upgrade
Searching for upgrade. Please wait, or
press MENU to cancel.
Search Progress:
Parental Settings
Some channels broadcast materia l which you
do not want younger members of the family to
watch. Any channel can be ‘locke d’ so that it
cannot be selected for viewing unless a four-
digit PIN co de is ente red. In thi s way, any
channel not suitab le for younger vie wers can
be prohibited.
This functio n enable s or disables the menu
protection system and all ows the PIN code to
be changed.
Use or butto n to highl ight Parent al
Settings option. Press the OK button to enter
Parental Settings menu. A dialog box askin g
for the lock key is displayed:
Enter Lock Key
There is only one ke y which is set to “0000
initially. Enter lock key. If wrong lock key is
entered, the following message is displayed
and the TV then returns to the previous menu:
Wrong Lock Key
ENG-01-TV-22856W-1165UK-MB29-UKIDTV-(1SCRT-AV-YPBPR-HP-SPDIF-STRLOUT-PCIN)-10059170-50138225.p6518.11.2008, 09:1628