- 6 -
Before cleaning, unplug the
TV set fro m the wall outlet.
Do not use liquid or aerosol
cleaners. Use so ft and dry
The sl ots a nd op enings on the TV set are
intended for ventilation and to ensure reliable
operat ion. To preve nt overhe ating , t hese
openings must not be blocked or covered in
Heat and Flames
The set shou ld not be plac ed
near to open flames and sou rces
of i nten se h eat suc h as an
electric heat er. E nsure that no
open fla me sou rces, s uch as
lighted candles, are placed on top of the TV.
Batteries should not be exposed to excessive
heat such as sunshine, fire or the li ke.
In case of storm and lightn ing or
when goin g on h oli day,
disconnect the power cord from
the wall outlet.
Replacement Parts
When replaceme nt parts are required, make
sure that the servic e t echnicia n h as u sed
replacement parts, which are spe cified by the
manufacturer or have the same specifications
as the ori gin al one . Unaut hor ized
substitutions may result in fire, electrical shock
or other hazards.
Please refe r a ll s ervicin g t o
qualif ied pers onnel . D o not
remove the cover yourself as
this m ay resu lt in an electric
Waste Disposal
Instructions for waste disposal:
• P ack agin g and pac kag ing ai ds are
recyclable and should principally be recycled.
Packaging materials, su ch as foil bag, m ust
be kept away from ch ildren.
• Batteries, including those which are heavy
metal-free, sh ould not be disposed of with
household waste. Please dispose of use d
battery in an environment fr iendly mann er.
Find out about the le gal regulati ons which
apply in your area.
• C old cat hode flu oresc ent lam p i n LCD
PANEL contains a small amount of mercury;
please foll ow the local laws or regulatio ns
for disp osal.
Information for Users in EuropeanUnion Countries
The mark is in co mpliance
with the Wa ste El ectrical and
Electronic Equipm ent Directive
2002/96/EC (WEEE).
The mar k indic ate s the
requirement NOT to dispose the equipment
including any spent or discarded batte ries as
unsorted municipal waste, but use the return
and co llec tion s ystem s avai labl e. If th e
batteries or accumu lators in cluded wit h this
equipment, displa y the ch emical symbol Hg,
Cd, or Pb, then it means that the battery has a
heavy metal content of more tha n 0.0005%
Mercury, or more tha n 0.002% Cadmium or
more than, 0.00 4% Lead.
Disconnecting the Device
The mains plug is used to disconnect TV se t
from the main s and theref ore it must remain
readily accessible.
ENG-01-TV-22856W-1165UK-MB29-UKIDTV-(1SCRT-AV-YPBPR-HP-SPDIF-STRLOUT-PCIN)-10059170-50138225.p6518.11.2008, 09:156