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Screen Care

Clean th e screen with a slightly damp, soft
cloth. Do not use abrasi ve solvents as they
may damag e t he coatin g l ayer of the TV
For your safety, un plug the main s plug when
cleaning the set. When m oving the TV, hold it
properly from the bo ttom part.

Image Persistence

Please note t hat gh osting may occ ur wh ile
displa ying a per siste nt image . L CD TVs’
image persistence may disappear after a short
time. Try turning off the TV for a while.
To avoid this, do not leave the screen in still
picture for exte nded periods.

No Power

If your TV system has no power, please check
the main power cable and connectio n to the
mains socket outlet.

Poor Picture

Have you selected the correct TV system? Is
your TV set or house aerial located too close
to a non-earth ed a udio eq uipment or neon
lights, etc.?
Mountains or high buildings can cause double
pictures or ghost images. Sometimes you can
improve the picture quality by changing the
direction of the aerial.
Is t he pictur e o r te letext unr ecognis able?
Chec k if y ou ha ve en tere d the corr ect
The pict ure qu ality may de grade when t wo
peripherals are connected to the TV at the
same time. In such a case, d isconnect one of
the periphe rals.

No Picture

Is the aerial connected properly? Are the plugs
connected tightly to the ae rial socket? Is the
aerial cabl e da maged? Are suitab le plugs
used to connect the aerial? If you are in doubt,
consult your de aler.
No Picture means that your TV is not receiving
a transmission. Have you selected the correct
button on the remote control? Try once more.


You cannot hear any sound. Did you perhaps
interrupt the so und, pressing the button?
Soun d is c omin g fro m onl y one of th e
speakers. Is the balanc e set to one extreme?
See Sound menu.

Remote Control

Your TV no l onger responds to the r emote
control. Perhaps the batt eries are exhausted.
If so you can st ill use the loca l buttons at the
top of the TV.

Input Sources

If yo u c annot select an inp ut s ource, it is
possible that no device is connected.
Check the AV ca bles and connections if you
have tried to connect a device.

CI Module

If you are experiencing a problem with the CI
module, it is possible that CI module is not
properly inserted. Remove the CI card and
then reinsert.
If the problem persists, it i s possible that your
CI module is not recognized. Try inserting a
different CI module.
ENG-01-TV-22856W-1165UK-MB29-UKIDTV-(1SCRT-AV-YPBPR-HP-SPDIF-STRLOUT-PCIN)-10059170-50138225.p6518.11.2008, 09:1641