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Auto. Programming System
Automatic tuning runs at: 78 %
State: Fine scanning ...
Exit : TV
After APS is finalized, the programme table
will appear on the screen. In the progra mme
table yo u will see the programme numbers
and names assigned to the programm es.
If you do not accept the locations and/or the
programme names, you can change them in
the programme table.
Press the M button to display the main menu
and press the but ton twice to highl ight
Configuration. Then pre ss the OK butt on to
display the configuration me nu. Press the M
button to leave the menu screen.
Main Menu
Channel List
TV Setup
Common Interface
The var ious c onfi gura tion f unc tion s are
displayed in a list, along with a quarter-screen
image of the currently selected channel. You
can sele ct a functi on by high light ing the
corresponding menu line us ing th e or
button. Configuration me nu will look like this:
Audio Language
Favourite Mode
EPG Preference
Receiver Upgrade
Parental Settings
Change Default Audio Language
Audio Language
Digita l t errest rial tel evisio n c hannel s c an
broadcast simultaneou s soundtracks in more
than one lan guage. Th is functi on select s
which lan guage sou ndtrac k you will hear
when switching to a channel broadcasting with
the multiple soundtrac ks.
Highlight the Aud io Language lin e in th e
Configurati on me nu an d us e the or
button to cycle through t he language options.
Digita l t errest rial tel evisio n c hannel s c an
broadcast subtitles di splayed on the screen
for hard- of-he aring pe ople. Th is funct ion
selects th e de sired subt itle langua ge and
enables the auto matic displ ay o f su btitles
whenever subtitl e information is broadcast.
Highlight the Subtitle line in the Configuration
menu and use the or butt on to cycle
through “Off” and language options.
Favourite Mode
This function enables or disables the favourite
channel li st mode.
Use or button to tur n on/o ff fav ourite
mode. If the “Favourite Mode” is on; while in
normal operating mode, pressing P+ and P-
butt ons wi ll on ly nav iga te thro ugh t he
channel s t hat were prev iously def ined as
favourites in th e channel list.
EPG Preference
Digita l t errest rial tel evisio n c hannel s c an
ENG-01-TV-22856W-1165UK-MB29-UKIDTV-(1SCRT-AV-YPBPR-HP-SPDIF-STRLOUT-PCIN)-10059170-50138225.p6518.11.2008, 09:1627