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If it is correct, the Parental Settings menu will
be displayed including the following items:
Menu Lock
Set Lock Key
There you can set/reset locking for the main
menu or the in stall ation me nu to rest rict
access. If the menu lock is disabled, there
will be free ac cess to the menu system. Also
in this menu you can change the lock key and
set/change paren tal lock mode.
Disabled: All menus are unlocked.
Main Menu : Main menu is accessible onl y
with the correc t lock key. So the
user cannot add, delete, rename,
move ch ann els, ca nno t s et
Installation: Installation menu is locked, so
the user cannot add channels.
Note: Changes will be update d after exiting
configuration menu.
You can set a timer to switch the TV to any
channel without your intervention. This is als o
for making video recordings of program mes
when you are out.
Display the main menu by pressing the M
button. Highlight the Timers line by pressing
or button and press the OK button to
display the Timer menu:
Main Menu
Channel List
TV Setup
Common Interface
Up to five separat e timer events ca n be set
and eac h is displayed in the Tim er scre en,
showing the event number, th e channel to be
selected, the start time, end ti me, date and
the mode - whether that event is ac tive (and
will be acted on) or n ot.
No Channel Name Start End Date Mode
1. ITV 1 20:00 21:00 12/05/2005 Active
2. BBC ONE 00:00 00:00 01/01/2005 Inactive
3. BBC ONE 00:00 00:00 01/01/2005 Inactive
4. BBC ONE 00:00 00:00 01/01/2005 Inactive
5. BBC ONE 00:00 00:00 01/01/2005 Inactive
6. BBC ONE 00:00 00:00 01/01/2005 Inactive
Toggle Mode Exit Edit Timer More
• To set an event, high light its mode button
using the or button and press the OK
button to display the timer entry window.
3. ITV 1
• He re the five set tings co nsisti ng of the
channel name, start time, end time, date and
frequency mode can be se t. You can move
freely between each setting using the or
• The channel name is set using the or
butt on to d isp lay the ch anne l w hic h
broadcasts the pr ogramme.
• The start time, end time and date are each
set with the numeric butto ns on the remote
control in 24-ho ur format.
• The frequency mode determines how often
the receiver operates this event and is set
with the or button to be either Once,
Daily, or Weekly.
If an invalid number for the start or end times
or the date is entered, “Entered time is not
vali d” me ssa ge ap pea rs on the m enu
ENG-01-TV-22856W-1165UK-MB29-UKIDTV-(1SCRT-AV-YPBPR-HP-SPDIF-STRLOUT-PCIN)-10059170-50138225.p6518.11.2008, 09:1629