- 37 -
Select the programme that you want to insert
by usin g th e navi gation buttons. Press the
GREEN button. Using navigation buttons, move
the sel ecte d prog ramm e to the de cide d
program me space and pr ess the GREE N
button again.
To delete a programme, press the RED button.
Pressing the RED bu tton again erases the
selected programme from the programme list
and the programm es below shift on e line up.
APS (Auto Programming System)
When you press the BLUE button for APS, Auto
Programming System menu will appear on
the screen.
Favourite Mode
You can set vari ous cha nnels as favourit es
so tha t only t he fav ouri te cha nnel s are
navigated. To set a favourite, use the navigation
buttons to select a channel and then press
the item. The chann el select ed a s a
favourite appears in the Program Table with a
favourite s ic on ( ) aga inst the channe l
name. For removing a favour ite, carry out the
same operation. To exit, press M.
Program Lock
Program Lock
Enter PIN
Change PIN
Back : Menu Exit : TV
Prog ram Lo ckin g pro vide s a pass word -
protecte d ac cess to channe ls s elected by
parents. In order to lock a channel you should
know the Pr ogram Lock password (def ault
value is set to 0000 in the factory and can only
be changed from the Program Lock me nu).
Enter PIN
Select the channe l that you desire to lock by
highlighting it and the n press the button.
When the button is pressed, Program Lock
menu will be displayed on the screen. Afte r
entering the pin code, desi red channel will be
locked. The program lock icon will appear next
to the c hann el nam e. Wh en the l ocke d
channel is selected through P+ or P- buttons,
the foll owin g warni ng scree n will be
Program Is Locked!
You May Unlock this Program
from Program Table.
Change PIN
Select Change PIN by pressi ng / button.
Use button to change the PIN code. After
pressing butto n, th e fo llowing messa ge
appears on the screen:
Program Lock
Enter old PIN
Back : Menu Exit : TV
Enter ol d P IN code th rough t he numer ic
buttons and then enter your new PIN co de.
Program Lock me nu will be displayed on the
screen when you enter the new PIN co de:
Program Lock
Enter new PIN
Back : Menu Exit : TV
Program Lock Menu wil l again be disp layed
after a short while of the identificat ion of new
Hint: If you forget your Program Lock password, you
can deactivate the Program Lock by using the
code 7910 and be able to set new password for
future use. Thus, do keep this code in a safe
place for future reference.
ENG-01-TV-22856W-1165UK-MB29-UKIDTV-(1SCRT-AV-YPBPR-HP-SPDIF-STRLOUT-PCIN)-10059170-50138225.p6518.11.2008, 09:1637