Section2: Underst anding Your Phone
92 2H: Personal Organizer
6. Highlight one of the following event details, and press .
Summary: (Input required) Enter a summary of your event (up to 40
characters). Type and Frequency can be selected.
StartTime: Schedule the start day and ti me. All day can be selected
instead of a Start time. The default Start time setting is the date
highlighted on the calendar display and 12:00 am.
EndTime: Schedule the end day and time. The default End time is the
day following the date highlighted on the calendar display and 12:00
Alarm: Edit the alarm time (number of minutes the alarm sounds
before an event starts) and select the melody type. You can also switch
the Alarm OFF. The default alarm time is 15 minutes before an event.
Frequency: Repeating an event. Select One Time, Daily, Weekly,
Monthly or Yearly.
Place: Enter the name of the place where the event will be held (up to
40 characters).
Details: Enter details of your event (up to 80 characters).
URL: Enter the URL of a web page related to the event (up to 128
7. Press to schedule the event.
Those dates for which a schedule has been entered are highlighted in
Tip: When Secret Mode is set to ON, events added t o the schedule are
storedas secret da ta. (See “Setting the Secret Mode” on page 53.)