Section2: Underst anding Your Phone
134 2J:E-m ail
䊳Connect to the Web and display a URL: Highlight the URL and press
䊳Write an e-mail to the selected e-mail address: Highlight the e-mail
address and press .
䊳Make a call: Highlight the phone number and press . Then press
Tip: When the number of e-mail message s in the Inbox exceeds 200, the
oldeste-mail is overwr itten. However, unread or protected messages are
Tip: Toquic kly view the content of incoming e-mail, begin the procedure
fromste p 4.
Tip: The details displayed differ depending on t he Set Display setting.
Tip: If the sender’s e-mail address is stored in the Phone B ook, the name
isdisp layed.
Tip: If you move thecursor key right in step 4 instead of pressing ,
thesubject and send er details are displayed.
Tip: Move the cursor key left to view the cont ent of the previous e-mail
message,or mov e the cursor key right to view the content of the next
Replying to Received E-mailYou can send a reply to the sender or to any of the e-mail addresses
specified in the To and Cc fields.
To send a reply:
1. In the incoming mail details checking screen, press .
2. Highlight Reply or Reply All and press . ”Re:” is added at the
start of the subject line.
䊳Reply: Sends a reply to the sender.
Mail to