Section2: Und erstanding Your Phone
On monthly calendar, weekly calendar, event list and event details
displays, you can display the following menu options by pressing
. (Menu options vary for each display.)
AddNew Entry: Adds a new event. (See “Adding an Event to the
Schedule” on page 91.)
DisplayWEEK Changes the calendar display to a weekly display.
DisplayMONTH: Changes the calendar display to a monthly display.
Edit: Edits the details of the event. (See “Editing Event Items” on page
EraseOne: Erases the selected event.
ErasePast: Erases the selected past event.
EraseAll: Erases all the events. (Displayed only on monthly
HolidayON/OFF: Sets holiday ON and OFF. (See “Setting Holidays” on
page 90.)
ResetHoli day: Resets all registered holidays. (See “Resetting
Holidays” on page 91.)
MakevCalen dar: Stores selected events or all the events in a data
AttachEmail: Sends an e-mail with the selected event as an
StartTaskList: Starts up the Task List function.
URLJump: Connects to the stored URL.