Section3: Usin g PCS Service Features
1453A:The B asics
Important:When you are roaming off the Sprint Nationwide PCS
Network,you may not recei ve notification of new voicemail messages. It
isrecommended that you per iodically check your voicemail by dialing 1 +
areacode + your PCS P hone Number.W hen your voicemail answers,
pressSand enter your pass code. You will be charged roamingrates
whenaccessin g voicemail while roaming off the Sprint Nationwide PCS
Note:Your phone acceptsmessages even when it is turned off.
However,you are only notified of new m essages when your phone is
Retrieving Your Voicemail MessagesYou can review your messages directly from your PCSPhone or from any
other touch-tone phone. To dial from your PCSPhone, you can either
speed dial your voicemail or use the menu keys.
UsingOne -TouchMessage Acc ess:
䊳Press and hold !. Follow the system prompts.
Usingthe Men u Keyson Your PCS Phon e to Access Your Messages:
1. From the Standby mode, press to display the main menu.
2. Highlight Voicemai l and press .
3. Highlight CallVoicemail and press .
4. Press T.
Tip: You are charged for airtime minutes when you are accessin g your
voicemailfrom y our PCS Phone.
Usinga Pho ne Other Than Your PCS Phone to Access Your
1. Dial your PCSPhone Number.
2. When your voicemail answers, press S.
3. Enter your pass code.