Section2: Underst anding Your Phone
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䊳Save: Saves the e-mail you are writing in the Draft folder. (See “Draft
E-mail” on page 138.)
OptionsAvailable in the Address List Screen
In the address list screen, highlight the desired address and press
. Then highlight one of the options and press .
䊳PhoneBook : Enters an e-mail address from the Phone Book.
䊳SendLog: Enters an e-mail addr ess from the Send Log.
䊳MyAddress: Enters an e-mai l address from My Address.
䊳EraseAddress: Erases the selected e-mail address.
䊳Changeto To: Changes the e-mai l destination to To.
䊳Changeto Cc: Changes the e-mail destination to Cc.
䊳Changeto Bcc : Changes the e-mail destination to Bcc.
OptionsAvailable in TextEntry Screens
In the address, subject or message entry screen, press and
highlight one of the options. Then press .
䊳Copyfrom:: Ente rs text from the Phone Book, Send Log, My Address or
䊳Symbols: Enters symbols.
䊳TextClips: Enters from text clips.
䊳Smileys:): Enters Smileys.
䊳Copy/ Cut: Copies or cuts the selected text.
䊳Paste: Pastes the copied or cut text.
䊳View: Displays all the content being entered at the same time.
䊳Exit: Cancels e-mail writing and returns you the e-mail compose