Section2: Und erstanding Your Phone
832G:Using t he Internal Phone Book
FindingEntry #s
To find an Internal Phone Book entry by its entry number:
1. Move the cursor key right to display the Find Name screen.
2. Press .
3. Highlight Search Method and press .
4. Highlight Find Entry #s and press .
5. Enter the entry number of your desired entry.
Press or move the cursor key upward or downward to display the
list of all entries and highlight your desired entry by scrolling.
6. Press .
OptionsAvailable While Searching
The following options are available while searching for Phone Book
entries. Press to display the option menu, highlight one of the
options, then press .
SearchMet hod: Changes the search method to Find Name, Find
Group, or Find Entry #s.
AddNew Entry: Adds a new Phone Book entry. (See “Adding a New
Internal Phone Book Entry” on page 79)
SecretMode: Sets the Secret Mode. (See “Setting the Secret Mode” on
page 53.)
EditGroup: Appends a group name. (See “Assigning Names to
Internal Phone Book Groups” on page 86).
CountEntri es: Shows the number of entries stored in the Phone Book
and the remaining number of entries that can be stored in the Phone
Symbols to enter symbols.