Section2: Und erstanding Your Phone
䊳POP3Server Address: Enter the server address for the POP3 server.
䊳POP3Server Account: Enter the POP3 server account name.
䊳POP3Server Password: Enter your POP3 server password.
䊳APOPAuth: Specify whether APOP authentication is ON or OFF when
you receive e-mail.
䊳SMTPServ er Address: Enter the server address for the SMTP server.
䊳Authentication: Specify whether SMTP authentication is ON or OFF
when you send e-mail.
䊳SMTPServ er Account: Enter the SMTP server account name (only
when Authentication is set to ON).
䊳SMTPServ er Password: Enter your SMTP server password (only
when Authentication is set to ON).
䊳SenderEmail A ddress: Enter your e-mail address and press .
8. Highlight Yes and press .
Tip: Press Eto exit the Email Menu and return to t he Standby screen.
Changing the Server SettingsAs well as the settings you specified when you first registered, you can also
set your sender name and signature.
To change the server settings:
1. From the Standby mode, press to display the main m enu.
2. Highlight Email and press .
3. Highlight Settings and press .
4. Highlight Server and press .
5. Highlight the server with the settings you want to change and press
6. Highlight the setting you want to change and press .
䊳SettingName: Changes the server name.