Section2: Underst anding Your Phone
128 2J:E-m ail
䊳 (Cc icon): Indicates that the address in the “Cc:” field was used.
䊳 (Bcc icon): Indicates that the address in the “Bcc:” field was used.
Tip: E-mail for which tra nsmission failed is still storedi n the Outbox.
Tip: When the limit of 90 e-mail messages in the Outbox is exceeded, the
oldeste-mail is overwritten. However, protected e-mail is not
Tip: The content displayed differs dependin g on the Set Display settings.
Tip: If the e-mailaddress is registered in the Phone Book,the name is
Usingthe P hone While Outgoing E-mail Content is Display ed
If there is a URL, e-mail address or phone number in the displayed
content of an outgoing e-mail message or in the message body, you can
perform the following operations:
䊳Resend the e-mail: Press or T while the e-mail content is
䊳Play the attached file: Highlight the attached file and press .
䊳Connect to the Web and display a URL: Highlight the URL and press
䊳Write an e-mail to the selected address: Highlight the e-mail address
and press .
䊳Make a call: Highlight the phone number and press . Then press
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