Section2: Und erstanding Your Phone
732G:Using t he Internal Phone Book

Section 2G

Using the Internal

Phone Book

InThis Section
Selecting a Character Input Mode
EnteringText Clips
EnteringS mileys
UsingC opy/Cut/Paste
OptionMenu d uring TextInp ut
Addinga New I nternal Phone Book Entry
FindingInternal Phone Book Entries
Dialingfrom an Internal Phone Book MemoryLocation
Editingth e Internal Phone Book
ErasingSt ored Entries
Assigning Names to Internal Phone Book Groups
SpeedDial ing Directly from Phonebook Entry Numbers
4-Digit,5-Digit Dialing
DialingPCS Services
ow you know the basics that help make it easier to stay in touch with
people and information. This section helps you make the most of your
contacts and use your time more effectively when you are trying to connect
with the important people in your life.