Installing the Honeywell IP Utility and Web-Client Software

Figure 3-3 Honeywell IP Utility User Interface

Refresh button

Disconnect button

The Discovery pane lists the IP devices found on the network and groups by device type.

Connect button

Limited/No connectivity button

Use the Product Filter drop-down menu to select a specific device, such as all HD3 series cameras.

The About menu displays the software version installed.

From the User tab, Administrators can change the Web-Client user passwords.

IP Network Setting assigns network settings automatically or manually.

Upgrade Firmware downloaded from the Honeywell website.

Enable or disable HTTP


Use Batch Firmware Upgrade to select a group of devices and upgrade the firmware for all.

The Status bar displays how many devices are on the network, which one you are connected to, and which user is logged on.

Use Launch Browser to open the HD3 series IP Web-Client for each device.

Click Apply to save manually configured network settings.