HD3MDIH/X EQUIP Series Indoor High Resolution True Day/Night IP Dome Camera User Guide

Taking a SnapShot

The SnapShot function allows you to save an image from Live View to a default folder on your computer (C:\Program Files\Honeywell Video Systems\Support\Snapshots). Files are saved as: DeviceName_Date_Time.bmp. You are not asked for confirmation.

SnapShot is available to Administrators and Users with administrator and guest privileges.

Device Settings

The Device Settings tab allows you to view the network settings and firmware details of the camera. It also allows you to restore to basic or full Factory Defaults, and to reboot a camera.

Configuring IP and Firmware Settings

Depending on the hardware installation, there is a tab called either Device Information or Device Settings. In both cases, the IP and Firmware Settings panel mirrors the information available in the Honeywell IP Utility. It provides read-only network settings, firmware settings, and video formats without having to access the IP Utility.

The Device Settings are the same for the Primary and Secondary streams.

Figure 4-5 Device Settings

Document 800-07361 Rev A

