
GND (Ground)

Note All the connectors marked GND are common.

Connect the ground side of the alarm input and/or alarm output to the GND connector.

AO 1 to 16 (Alarm-Out)

Figure 2-8 Alarm Output Connectors

The DVR can activate external devices such as buzzers or lights. Connect the device to the AO (Alarm-Out) and GND (Ground) connectors. AO is an active low open collector output which sinks 5 mA@12V and 30 mA@5V. See Chapter 3, Configuration for configuring alarm outputs.

ARI (Alarm Reset In)

Figure 2-9 Alarm Reset Input Connectors

An external signal to the Alarm Reset In can be used to reset both the Alarm Out signal and the DVR’s internal buzzer. Mechanical or electrical switches can be wired to the ARI (Alarm Reset In) and GND (Ground) connectors. The threshold voltage is below 0.3V and should be stable at least 0.5 seconds to be detected. Connect the wires to the ARI (Alarm Reset In) and GND (Ground) connectors.