
a.The Day box allows you to select the days that the alarm schedule will be active. The choices are: Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, M~F, Hol and All.

b.The Range box allows you to set the time that the alarm schedule will be active in 15-minute increments from 00:00 to 24:00.

c.The Mode box allows you to set how the alarm reacts during the scheduled time. When set to On, the Alarm-Out is active during the scheduled time. When set to Event, the Alarm-Out is only active when there is an Event during the scheduled time.

d.The Channels box allows you to set which alarm outputs will be active. You can also select the DVR’s internal buzzer.

e.The box allows you to delete an alarm output schedule. You will be asked to confirm whether or not you really wish to delete the schedule.

7.You can save your Alarm-Out changes by highlighting Save and pressing . Selecting Cancel exits the screen without saving the changes.

Display Screen

1.Highlight Display in the Devices menu and press . The Display screen (Figure 3-43) allows you to select what information will be displayed on the monitor.

Figure 3-43 Display OSD Screen