Note For the Notify action, the notify item you select should be enabled in the Notification setup screen and the DVR should be registered in the RAS (Remote Administration System).
19.Highlight the desired box under the PTZ heading, and press . A list of PTZ presets appears. Select the preset positions for each PTZ camera, this is where you want PTZ cameras to move to when the DVR detects text input.
20.Highlight the box under the Spot Monitor and press . A list of SPOT monitors and cameras appears. Each SPOT monitor can be associated with a camera. The DVR will display the associated camera on the SPOT monitor whenever it detects an input on the selected
21.You can save your
System Event Screen
1.Highlight System Event in the Event menu and press . The System Event setup screen (Figure
Document 900.0856 Rev 3.00 | 89 |
11/07 |