Enable Auto Launch IP Wait

When enabled, this feature works as follows:

1.After the radio .CAB file is unpacked, the Launch program waits for the radio driver to load and for the radio to connect and obtain an IP address.

2.During the wait, a message window is displayed containing the NDIS communication messages up to and including the display of the valid IP address.

3.After the IP address is obtained, the message window is displayed for one second and then removed.

4.Launch completes its normal task path, unpacking any remaining .CAB files and completing any remaining tasks.

5.If an IP address is not obtained within the specified timeout period (see below), Launch completes its normal task path. The default is unchecked (disabled). Launch does not wait for an IP address.

IP Wait Timeout

This parameter specifies the maximum time period Launch waits for a valid IP address before completing any remaining tasks. The timeout can be from 1 to 60 seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
