Chapter 3: Power
Power Modes
The MX3Plus has four power modes: On, Suspend, Critical Suspend and Off.
Primary Events
•Any key on the keypad
•COM1 activity
•Touch on the touch screen
•Power button tap
•COM3 activity
•PC card activity
•USB client connection
•External power connection
•Scanner activity
On Mode
The DisplayWhen the display is On:
•the keyboard, touch screen and all peripherals function normally
•the display backlight is on until the Backlight timer expires (default is 3 seconds) 15 seconds afterwards, the display turns off.
•when the main battery is
After a new mobile device has been received, a charged main battery inserted, and the Power button tapped, the computer is always On until both batteries are drained completely of power.
When the main battery and backup battery are drained completely, the unit is in the Off mode. The unit transitions from the Off mode to the On mode when a charged main battery is inserted or external power is applied. Press the Power button to turn the device on.