N o t e s

Configuring IP Addressing

IP Configuration

TTL, and TimeP values will be acquired through the primary VLAN only.) For more on VLANs, refer to “Port-Based Virtual LANs (Static VLANs)” on page 11-3.

The IP addressing used in the switch should be compatible with your network. That is, the IP address must be unique and the subnet mask must be appropriate for your IP network.

If you plan to connect to other networks that use globally administered IP addresses, refer to “Globally Assigned IP Network Addresses” on page 7-21.

If you change the IP address through either Telnet access or the web browser interface, the connection to the switch will be lost. You can reconnect by either restarting Telnet with the new IP address or entering the new address as the URL in your web browser.

Menu: Configuring IP Address, Gateway, and Time-To- Live (TTL)

Do one of the following:

To manually enter an IP address, subnet mask, set the IP Config parameter to Manual and then manually enter the IP address and subnet mask values you want for the switch.

To use DHCP or Bootp, use the menu interface to ensure that the IP Config parameter is set to DHCP/Bootp, then refer to “DHCP/Bootp Operation” on page 7-13.

To Configure IP Addressing.

1.From the Main Menu, Select.

2.Switch Configuration ...

5.IP Configuration

If multiple VLANs are configured, a screen showing all VLANs appears instead of the following screen.

The Menu interface displays only the primary IP address for any VLAN. If you use the CLI to configure secondary IP addresses on a VLAN, use the CLI show ip command to list them. (Refer to “Viewing the Current IP Configuration” on page 7-7.)
