Port-Based Virtual LANs (VLANs) and GVRP

Port-Based Virtual LANs (Static VLANs)

Example of Per-Port VLAN Configuration with GVRP Disabled (the default)

Example of Per-Port

VLAN Configuration

with GVRP Enabled

Enabling GVRP causes “No” to display as “Auto”.

Figure 11-5. Comparing Per-Port VLAN Options With and Without GVRPTable 14-1. Per-Port VLAN Configuration Options


Effect on Port Participation in Designated VLAN


Allows the port to join multiple VLANs.


Allows VLAN connection to a device that is configured for an untagged


VLAN instead of a tagged VLAN. The switch allows no more than one


untagged VLAN assignment per port.


- or -


No: Appears when the switch is not GVRP-enabled; prevents the port from joining that VLAN.

Auto: Appears when GVRP is enabled on the switch; allows the port to dynamically join any advertised VLAN that has the same VID


Prevents the port from joining the VLAN, regardless of whether GVRP is


enabled on the switch.


