Configuring IP Addressing

IP Preserve: Retaining VLAN-1 IP Addressing Across Configuration File Downloads

Because switch 4 (figure 7-8) received its most recent IP addressing from a DHCP/Bootp server, the switch ignores the ip preserve command and implements the IP addressing included in this file.

Figure 7-10. Configuration File in TFTP Server, with Dedicated IP Addressing Instead of DHCP/Bootp

To summarize the IP Preserve effect on IP addressing:

If the switch received its most recent VLAN 1 IP addressing from a DHCP/ Bootp server, it ignores the IP Preserve command when it downloads the configuration file, and implements whatever IP addressing instructions are in the configuration file.

If the switch did not receive its most recent VLAN 1 IP addressing from a DHCP/Bootp server, it retains its current IP addressing when it downloads the configuration file.

The content of the downloaded configuration file determines the IP addresses and subnet masks for other VLANs.
