Configuring for Network Management Applications

Using SNMP Tools To Manage the Switch

Using SNMP Tools To Manage the Switch


You can manage the switch via SNMP from a network management station, including HP TopTools for Hubs & Switches — an OpenView-based network management application that runs on your Windows NT- or Windows 2000- based PC. HP TopTools for Hubs & Switches provides control of your switch through its web browser interface. In addition, it uses the RMON agent statistical sampling software that is included in the switch to provide easy-to- use traffic monitoring and network activity analysis tools. For more on TopTools, see the “Read Me First” document shipped with your switch and also available on HP’s Procurve web site at

This section includes:

An overview of SNMP management for the switch

Configuring the switches for:

SNMP Communities (page 10-4)

Trap Receivers and Authentication Traps (page 10-8)

Information on advanced management through RMON Support (page 10-12)

To implement SNMP management, the switch must have an IP address, configured either manually or dynamically (with DHCP or Bootp). If multiple VLANs are configured, each VLAN interface should have its own IP address. For DHCP use with multiple VLANs, see “The Primary VLAN” on page 11-6.

N o t e

If you use the switch’s Authorized IP Managers and Management VLAN


features, ensure that the SNMP management station and/or the choice of


switch port used for SNMP access to the switch are compatible with the access


controls enforced by these features. Otherwise, SNMP access to the switch


will be blocked. For more on Authorized IP Managers, refer to the Access


Security Guide on the Documentation CD-ROM shipped with your switch and


also available on the HP Procurve web site. For information on the Manage­


ment VLAN feature, refer to “The Secure Management VLAN” on page 11-27.



SNMP Management Features

SNMP management features on the switch include:
