

Diagnostic Tools


Ping and Link Tests


The Ping test and the Link test are point-to-point tests between your switch


and another IEEE 802.3-compliant device on your network. These tests can


tell you whether the switch is communicating properly with another device.



N o t e

To respond to a Ping test or a Link test, the device you are trying to reach must


be IEEE 802.3-compliant.


Ping Test. This is a test of the path between the switch and another device



on the same or another IP network that can respond to IP packets (ICMP Echo




Link Test. This is a test of the connection between the switch and a desig­


nated network device on the same LAN (or VLAN, if configured). During the


link test, IEEE 802.2 test packets are sent to the designated network device


in the same VLAN or broadcast domain. The remote device must be able to


respond with an 802.2 Test Response Packet.
