Using the Command Line Interface (CLI)

Using the CLI

Configuration Commands and the Context Configuration Modes

You can execute any configuration command in the global configuration mode or in selected context modes. However, using a context mode enables you to execute context-specific commands faster, with shorter command strings.

The Series 5300XL switches offers interface (port or trunk group) and VLAN context configuration modes:

Port or Trunk-Group Context . Includes port- or trunk-specific commands that apply only to the selected port(s) or trunk group, plus the global configuration, Manager, and Operator commands. The prompt for this mode includes the identity of the selected port(s):

HPswitch(config)# interface e c3-c6

HPswitch(config)# interface e trk1



HPswitch(eth-C5-C8)# ?

HPswitch(eth-C5-C8)# ?

Command executed at configuration level for entering port or trk1 static trunk-group context.

Resulting prompt showing port or static trunk contexts.

Lists the commands you can use in the port or static trunk context, plus the Manager, Operator, and context commands you can execute at this level.
