Optimizing Traffic Flow with Port Controls, Port Trunking, and Filters

Viewing Port Status and Configuring Port Parameters

Configuring a Broadcast Limiting on the Switch. Executing this com­ mand configures broadcast limiting for all ports on the switch.

Syntax: broadcast-limit

HPswitch(config)# broadcast-limit

To display the current broadcast limit setting, use one of the following com­ mands:

HPswitch# show config

Displays the startup-config file. The


broadcast limit setting appears here


if enabled and saved to the


startup-config file.

HPswitch# show running-configDisplays the running-config file. The broadcast limit setting appears here if enabled. If the setting is not also saved to the startup-config file, rebooting the switch returns broad cast limit to the setting currently in the startup-config file.

Web: Viewing Port Status and Configuring Port Parameters

In the web browser interface:

1.Click on the Configuration tab.

2.Click on ��������������������.

3.Select the ports you want to modify and click on �����������������������.

4.After you make the desired changes, click on ����������������.

Note that the web browser interface displays an existing port trunk group. However, to configure a port trunk group, you must use the CLI or the menu interface. For more on this topic, see “Port Trunking” on page 9-10.
