3 - Programming the DC Source

Output Voltage

The output voltage is controlled with the VOLTage command. For example, to set the output voltage to 25 volts, use:

VOLTage 125

The dc source can be programmed to turn off its output if the output voltage exceeds a preset peak voltage limit. This protection feature is implemented with the VOLTage:PROTection command as explained in chapter 4.

Maximum Voltage

The maximum rms output voltage that can be programmed can be queried with:


Output Current

All models have a programmable current function. The command to program the current is:

CURRent <n>

where <n> is the current limit in amperes.

If the load attempts to draw more current than the programmed limit, the output voltage is reduced to keep the current within the limit.

Maximum Current

The maximum output current that can be programmed can be queried with:


Overcurrent Protection

The dc source can also be programmed to turn off its output if the current limit is reached. As explained in chapter 4, this protection feature is implemented the following command:


NOTE: Use OUTP:PROT:DEL to prevent momentary current limit conditions caused by programmed output changes from tripping the overcurrent protection.