10 Solve a problem

The information in this section suggests solutions to common problems. If your printer is not operating correctly and these suggestions did not solve your problem, try using one of the support services listed in HP support to obtain assistance.

This section contains the following topics:

HP support

Get help from the printer control panel

Understand printer reports

Solve printer problems

Solve printing problems

Solve copy problems

Solve scan problems

Solve fax problems

Solve problems using Web Services

Solve network problems

Maintain the printer

Clear paper jams

Clear the print carriage

Restore defaults and settings

HP support

Register printer

Support process

Obtain electronic support

HP support by phone

Register printer

By taking just a few quick minutes to register, you can enjoy quicker service, more efficient support, and product support alerts. If you did not register your printer while installing the software, you can register now at http://www.register.hp.com.

Support process

If you have a problem, follow these steps:

82 Chapter 10 Solve a problem