A6A8 YTX Replacement

16.Reconnect coaxial cables to YTX.

17.Place A6A7 YTX Current Driver in RF Module and secure with two screws 0.

18.Reconnect 5-pin connector @ to A6A7.

19.Replace ribbon cable @ between A6A7 and motherboard.

20.Replace A6A9 assembly and A6A10, A6Al1, and A6A12 PC boards.

21.Reconnect 4 (yellow) cable and 5 (green) cable to 2nd Converter.

22.Replace RF Module PC board cover and secure with six screws 0.

23.Reconnect five cables to RF Module PC boards; three to A6A9 Phase Lock and two to A6A12 YTX Driver. Cables are color-coded and color codes are labeled on PC board cover.

24.Reconnect cable @) between All YTO Loop and RF Module.

25.Replace top and bottom covers on RF Section, recombine instrument sections, and reconnect ac line cords.
