Triggered Sweep
The triggered sweep modes are very similar to free run operation except that instead of the Al5 Controller outputting a set HSWP command to the A3Al Trigger assembly, it outputs a trigger enable command. The output of the trigger select circuit (line, external, or video) then clocks the HSWP line high.
Single Sweep
The single sweep mode is useful in troubleshooting the sweep system because it does not rely on feedback from Digital Storage before resetting the sweep generator. Whenever the SWEEP (ZiK$ key is pressed, the Al5 Controller resets the sweep generator and then sets HSWP high through the A3Al Trigger assembly. Digital Storage then stops the sweep when it has reached the end and the ramp resets to 0 V.
Fast Sweep
Fast sweep is enabled only for 0 Hz frequency spans and sweep times less than 20 ms. HSWP is forced low, and the Al6 Sweep Generator is not used. See A3Al Trigger for a description of the fast sweep operation.
Service Requests
Any of the Service Requests on the Al2
The following procedure is an aid to rapidly isolate sweep system malfunctions. When the malfunction has been traced to a single assembly, check the Service Sheets for that assembly for a more thorough troubleshooting procedure.
Isolate the Scan Sweep
Disconnect the ramp from A3A8Jl and jumper A3A8TPl to A3A8TP2. This forces the ramp comparator output high. The Digital Storage Processor Section should continue to process data and increment the sweep address. The HSWP light should be flashing and HSWP should have an approximately 16 ms pulse width. (Note that the instrument preset state may appear to be functioning properly but will become distorted as the sweep time is slowed down.)
If this works, the Digital Storage Processor Section and Al5 Controller, Al2
Overall Troubleshooting 11