This information is decoded by U3A and amplified by U5. The outputs of U5 are approximatley +3 V when a band is valid and approximatley
Preselector Peak @J
A second latch, UlO, receives the same six lines a U9, but receives a different strobe, LCK5. This strobe is valid when the six lines have preselector peaking information. The outputs of this latch drive eight bits of a DAC which produces 0 to 10 V at the output of U4B corresponding to DAC values of 0.00 to 63.75. This voltage goes to the A6A12 YTX Driver. This circuit is used to adjust the tacking of the YTX when [PRESELECTOR PEAK) or (SHIFT) a), (K) (+dBm), or (SHIFT) Ide] is keyed in.
U8 is a Quad
The instrument controller is able to connect the filter capacitor across the YTX, and control the Hysteresis and Sample and Hold circuits on the YTX Driver.
Slope Offset @
U7 receives the
Slope Breakpoint Generator @
The signal at TP8 has a maximum range on Band C (5.8 to 12.5 GHz, second harmonic) of approximately 0 to 12 V. This signal is applied to two voltage dividers R36/R37 and R38/R39, which drive the positive inputs to U6A and U6B respectively. The voltage at the inputs to these op amps is clamped by CR5 and CR6 such that U6A sees only the first half of the full band ramp and U6B sees only the second half. In this manner, each full band
is divided into two segments with one breakpoint in the center. Both U6A and U6B are configured for a gain of 2 and an offset of approximately
Upper Segment Generator @ and Lower Segment Generator @
The outputs of U6 drive variable gain amplifiers as shown in Figure 1.
2 A6All