The equation for start frequency is:
fSF (B W X fM/N - fm/m)) + fIF
fsF = Start Frequency
B = band number. KSR displays the value of B which varies from 0 to 4. When the displayed value is 0 (low band), use 1 as a multiplier.
N = N number for M/N Loop. KSR displays the value of N which varies from 11 to 32.
fM,N = M/N loop frequency in MHz. KSR displays the value which ranges from 177 to 197 MHz.
f20/30 = Synthesizer frequency in MHz. KSR displays the value which ranges from 20 to 30 MHz.
fIF = Signal IF frequency. The value is
Note | For a | detailed explanation of the Frequency Diagnostic Function (KSR), see |
| Diagnostic Functions in the Spectrum Analyzer Overall Troubleshooting | |
| Section | of this manual. |
As an example, these values are used following an INSTR PRESET ([a] pressed) to determine the start frequency.
B = l N=13
fM/N 180.769231 MHz
f2elsu= 28.600000
Substitute these values into the equation.
fSF = (1 x(13 x 180 x 769231 MHz) - 28.600000 MHz) - 321.4 MHz = 2000.0 MHz
M/N Loop Tuning
The frequency output of the M/N Loop is dependent on the ratio of M and N numbers. These numbers are input in the form of digital tuning information to the M/N Loop Phase Detector. The following equation shows the relationship between the output frequency and the M and N numbers.
fM/N = (200 - lO(M/N)) MHz
fM/N = M/N output frequency
M = M number which varies from 8 - 27. KSR displays the value of M.
N = N number which varies from 11 - 32. KSR displays the value of N.
The M and N numbers are selected such that the M/N Loop output pretunes the YTO frequency in 10 MHz steps. For a listing of the M and N numbers, M/N output frequencies
Analog Troubleshooting 5