@iZY) Trace A dIVIEW) (KSd) displays negative peaks.
(SHIFT) Trace A ‘[B) (KSe) displays sampled data.
T r a c e A ( k s a ) r e t u r n s t o t h e n o r m a l a u t o m a t i c d e t e c t i o n m o d e s a n d removes the CRT indication.
The internal Error Correction Routine available by pressing @iFi) w[~~~~~~~~~ SPAN] (KSW) is also useful as a diagnostic aid. If a malfunction causes the routine to stop, restart it and note the control settings (RES BW, ATTEN, REF LEVEL, LOG/LIN, etc.) when the failure occurred. If the routine runs, the correction factors can be displayed by pressing (SHIFT] “‘@ (KSw). Figure 2 displays the data for a typical instrument. Table 2 gives the parametric information, specifications and a place to start the troubleshooting procedure.
Caution must be exercised in interpreting the correction factor data. Wrong conclusions can be reached by not understanding how the internal program runs. The program assumes that the input signal level is
h7 REF - 7 . 0 dBnl ATTEN 10 08
1 dB’ 0.30 dB
0 25 dB
0 05 dB 155.000 unr
0.00 dB 75.000 unz
L50 dB
8.20 dB
0.11 ClB 200 HZ
0.25 LiB
0 25 de
0 20 ClB
CORR’D | 08 | OB |
| |
| dB |
| ||
| dB |
| ||
| dB |
| ||
| dB |
| ||
| dB |
| ||
| 02 | dB |
| |
| 02 | as |
| |
| dB |
| ||
START | 1Em 000 | 000 | MHZ | STOP | ino | 0 | |
| RES | BW 30 | HZ | “BW 188 HZ | SWP | i |
Figure 2. Error Correction Routine Data
8 Overall Troubleshooting