HP A6828A Adapter Overview

About the A6828A Adapter

About the A6828A Adapter

The A6828A PCI Ultra160 SCSI host bus adapter (HBA) provides one Ultra160 SCSI-3 interface to PCI computer systems. When you install this adapter in your PCI system, it allows connection of up to 15 SCSI devices on its single channel.

The A6828A provides 16-bit (Wide) Low Voltage Differential (LVD) or16-bit (Wide) Single-Ended(SE) SCSI solutions for your system, using only one PCI slot. The A6828A also supports legacy Fast SCSI devices, Ultra SCSI devices, and Ultra2 SCSI devices.

Consult with your Hewlett-Packard representative for more information on specific system configurations.

Chapter 1