configuring X Windows on HP-UX (other graphics cards)
hp Fire
hp Fire GL-UX configuration hints
overlay visuals and overlay transparency
HP Fire
If you need an overlay colormap that supports transparency, create the colormap using the visual that has transparency in its SERVER_OVERLAY_VISUALS property. To look at the contents of this property, you would use code similar to the following:
typedef struct { |
VisualID | overlayVisualID; |
Card32 | transparentType; |
/* None, TransparentPixel, TransparentMask */ | |
Card32 | value; |
/* Either pixel value or pixel mask */ | |
Card32 | layer; |
}OverlayVisualPropertyRec; OverlayVisualPropertyRec *pOverlayVisuals, *pOVis;
XVisualInfo | *pVisuals; |
Atom | overlayVisualsAtom, actualType; |
... |
/* Get the visuals for this screen and allocate. */ | |
getVis.screen | = screen; |
pVisuals | = XGetVisualInfo(display, VisualScreenMask, |
| &getVis, &nVisuals); |
pOverlayVisuals = (OverlayVisualPropertyRec *) malloc ( (size_t)nVisuals *
sizeof(OverlayVisualPropertyRec) );
**Get the overlay visual information for this screen. Obtain
**this information from the SERVER_OVERLAY_VISUALS property.
overlayVisualsAtom = XInternAtom(display,"SERVER_OVERLAY_VISUALS",
if (overlayVisualsAtom != None)
72 | Chapter 3 |